We all know that strong passwords are essential for the security of our sensitive personal and corporate information. Simple passwords can be cracked by hackers very quickly. But what makes a password difficult to crack? Here are some tips for creating complex passwords to keep your data secure, and an example method to get you started.
Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/internet-security-password-login-1952019/
How to Create a Strong Password:
- Use at least 8 characters. Longer = Stronger.
- Use a combinations of numbers, upper and lower case letters, and special characters like %, $, #, and !.
- Make your password look as random as possible.
- Store your passwords in a password manager.
- Use names, pet names, standard words found in the dictionary, or personally-important dates like birthdays or anniversaries.
- Share your passwords with others.
- Write down your passwords.
Example of How to Create a Hacker-Resistant Password:
- Choose a phrase, song lyric, sentence, quotation, or poem – something with at least 8 words that’s important to you but would be difficult for others to guess.
Example: If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Won’t Change You - Use only the first letter of each word in your phrase.
Example: IIDCYIWCY - Randomly choose several letters to capitalize, and replace several others with numbers.
Example: 4IDcy8WCy - Throw in some special characters – you can replace a few letters or just add the characters to what you already have.
Example: 4I$Dcy#WC!y - Record your new password in a Password Manager. DO NOT WRITE IT DOWN!
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